Friday, November 11, 2011


halo (kayak ada aja yang baca ya)
ya bodo amat deh intinyakan mau cerita yaaa!

first, 28 October
happy birthday CKO, happy birthday CKO, happy birthday happy birthday, happy birthday ERICKO! he's 19 years old now, tua ye. 
surprise yang kurang berhasil karena dia baca chat -_- tapi seneng juga bisa nyirem pake air dingi banget, kuah sop bekas dari hito dan cuka! beh baunya wangi sekali!
terimakasih teman-teman yang udah bantuin! yeaaaaaaay!

second, 11 November happy 10 monthsary yaa cko :) ily cihuy langgeng sama pacarnya ya!
this is not easy to reach this 10 months with you but
go through mistakes, arguing, and many kinds of obstacles. 
but as the final result we still could forgive and stick together 
xoxo :*

mmm, another story
setelah uts selesai, ya saya cukup khawatir dengan nilai saya!
sangat mengkhawatirkan khususnya technology based business, intro business management & econs. semoga hasilnya lebih bagus dari dugaaan deh *fingercrossed*


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